Nature is at the heart of everything Daylesford do. They farm, eat and live in a way that nurtures and nourishes her. Daylesford hope to inspire you to connect with and celebrate nature, by living in season and in balance with our beautiful planet.

How did Daylesford’s sustainability journey begin?

In the 1970s, long before sustainability was a buzzword, Carole Bamford made the move to organic farming when it became clear that pesticides and artificial fertilisers were causing harm to the very land they were trying to support. For the last 50 years Daylesford has championed the organic movement as the foundation of environmental sustainability in food production, and has maintained the highest standards of animal welfare and land husbandry under certification from the Soil Association.

Why is being sustainable so important to Daylesford Organic?

Daylesford’s core principles, referred to as Sustainable Solutions, underpin the brand and are an integral part of every product and activity. Without these commitments to Regenerate the land, Protect the planet and Inspire people, Daylesford would undermine the ethos on which it was founded and lose the unique nature-led brand story that attracts so many customers and visitors to the farm and its satellite shops.

What have you done so far to make Daylesford Organic sustainable?

With an organic farm at its centre, Daylesford has evolved to work alongside nature and deliver high quality, low impact products. The farm itself has implemented projects to support biodiversity and carbon sequestration, using agroforestry and maintaining a thriving wetland. Prioritising seasonal, local and organic food carries a far lower environmental footprint than sourcing intensively farmed produce from abroad, and the farm further reduces its impact by using solar and biomass to power its operations. The business is committed to a zero food waste policy, ensuring that any edible food is reused in kitchens and canteens or redistributed using one of their food charity partners. All other forms of surplus or waste are segregated and rehomed or repurposed into added value products. Gluts of fruit and vegetables from the farm are used to make chutneys, jams and ready meals in the on-site production units, and sheeps wool is used in building insulation and mattresses. Schools are regularly invited to visit the farm to learn the connection between food and farming, and Daylesford shares its stories and advice widely online, on social media and through a busy calendar of public workshops and events.

What is your top-tip for making more sustainable choices?

The best choices are made by considering people and planet before profit. By taking money out of the equation it is easier to ‘do the right thing’ and make decisions based on impact rather than cost.

What are your future plans to keep Daylesford Organic a sustainable brand?

Daylesford and its sister brand Bamford have recently certified as B Corps, and this third party assessment of our social and environmental impact will continue to evolve and positively challenge the way we do business. Alongside B Corp and organic certification we will continue to find opportunities for collaboration with other like minded companies to use our businesses as a force for good

By Will Dennis, Head of Sustainability for Daylesford and Bamford

Learn more about Daylesford Organic and their sustainability initatives.

