Nature's Opera

Step into the enchanting world of Nature’s Opera, a fabric collection that pays tribute to the quiet drama and wild wonders of the natural world. In this orchestrated edit materials play the lead. A cast of classic fibres: linen, silk, and wool are joined for the first time by hemp. Together they create an ensemble of naturally beautiful drapery and upholstery qualities that express tactility and evoke emotions. Textures add depth, interest, and comfort whilst colours dance in harmony. The palette is soft, muted, and warmly romantic.

Nature’s Opera is a virtuoso performance in craftsmanship where expert artisans work in harmony with the world’s finest grown fibres. The sumptuous simplicity of a filigree sheer is created from the finest flax. Wool is cocooned with silk that morphs into a graceful paisley. Virgin wool and hemp are recast as supple cloths with weight and fluidity. For the finale, a lustrous vintage-style velvet completes this symphony of the wild.

Learn more at De Le Cuona.
